How our story began!

Hello everyone!! Or better yet… Helloooo people my people :)!!

Those who follow us in our other social media platforms know, that's my favorite phrase. 

Let me tell you that im so excited to finally start this blog. It’s something I have been wanting to do for a long time.

I believe is an awesome way to share more things with you. So you get to know us more, what we like, what we do. I want to warn you, i’m not a pro at this nor I know the protocol (if there is one), so get ready for some LOLs, hahahaha, !!!!, etc etc etc! However im very coachable and i know i will learn along the way; and grow with all of you and your ideas and feedback. So yes! feedback is appreciated.

I wanted for our first blog to be about us, Alan and i; and how we met.

Here is A little background of us:

I was born in Dominican Republic and came to the USA at the age of 18 after graduating high school. Alan was born in Cuba and came at the age of 10. 

I don’t want to get too deep in our childhood because i rather do a blog specifically about it. Lets keep this one about US. 

It’s so cool how life works. We both came from different countries, to different cities; me to Atlanta and him to Miami, yet life brought us together when our hearts were ready to meet the love of their lives!!

OMG yes !! I said it: “The love of their lives” hahahaha!! YES!!! The love our our livessssss!!! If any one has read the horoscope at some point you will understand that me as a Libra saying that is a big deal because we are helpless romantics and lets just say i had some “sour” stages hahaha!! For which i am grateful because that prepared us (he had his moments too LOL) to appreciate the good. 

Here I will attached a short video we did for our wedding that tells the story how we met. Since is in Spanish I will of course write for my speaking english people how the story was! Yeiiii!!! Win win for all!! 

We met in December 9th 2010, right after i moved from LA to Miami to participate in a reality show called Nuestra Belleza Latina; produced and broadcasted by Univision, the leading latin channel. We were both pursuing acting and we met at a casting for a commercial. 

It was super funny because i can close my eyes and remember exactly how i felt when i opened the door to get in the agency and i saw him right in front of my, gazing to who walked in. Of course like in any place when someone opens the door everyone looks to see who is coming in; but this time i didn’t see no one else but him! His eyes were so bright, shiny and blueish that i even had to double take (omg im blushing and laughing writing this hahaha!!). 

Calm down, calm down!! HE approached me thou because he said he felt he has seen me before and wanted to know from where. It was from the show and that was the start of a relationship that ended up in a beautiful marriage 2 years and a month after that!

However he just asked me: “are you putting there that YOU asked me for my phone number?” Yes! He is next to me being noise….

Yes!! i asked him for his number but!!!!! Had i good reason. I couldn’t stay for the casting, i had to leave and he was doing it. So i thought was a BRILLIANT idea to text him later to see what the casting was about. Like what they asked or tell you to do. Of course he has pride on the fact i asked him for his number hahaha!!

Few days after he invited me out. We went to celebrate one of his friends birthday and i want to say that pretty much ever since we have been inseparable!!

We moved in together about six months after around May 2011, he proposed to me in such a romantic way in July 2012 and January 19th 2013 we were husband and wife.


I know everything sounds too pretty and fun but honestly like i said before we met, we were SOO ready to let love, communication and patience in our hearts that the journey has been beautiful. Yes we argue often lol! Specially when my hormones want, when i have been sensible just cuz, while pregnant, and so on LOOOL!! But the key factor for us is that we have been on the same page ever since we met. 

Before joining Herbalife we had clear goals and what we wanted to do. Now, as business owners even more. I believe when love is there and you are on the same page as a couple, if turbulences happen won’t make the plane fall. 

Now, we have been together for almost 7 years total. We have a beautiful 2 year old boy and another one on the way who is due Nov 2nd.

Ok! Like i said he is next to me (we are on a plane on our way to Panama), and i have been asking him random questions about exact dates when we met and about our story; and since writing this makes me live it all over again i asked him for a kiss with a particular voice i make when i want something hahahaha!! and he says: “Ah you are realizing i deserve a kiss for being able to put up with you all these years” hahhaaahah!! You see how not to love his silly self!!??

With that said: I want to officially welcome you all to our life!!!

With love,

Coach FabiFab.